360 research outputs found

    Exodus, Expulsion, Explication: Collective Memories of Silesia as a German-Polish Frontier Zone

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    This thesis addresses the traumata associated with Poland’s frontier changes in 1945, within a collective memory paradigm. These events include expulsions from German territories incorporated into Poland, and population transfers between Poland and the USSR. The thesis addresses two components: a central trauma complex, and the resulting collective memory discourse. Being a matter of historical record, the statistical details and chronology of these events are seldom contested, although they have often been instrumentalised by various stakeholders. Instead, the relevant collective memory discourse has focused on the production of broad, often exculpatory, narrative frameworks designed to explain a set of largely accepted facts. Accordingly, my thesis is primarily focused on this collective memory discourse. As an active phase, dominated by stakeholders with a high level of emotional investment in the narration and memorialisation of the relevant events, this collective memory discourse is currently undergoing a transition to the domain of History as a scholarly pursuit. This transition is best symbolised by the fact that, as of 2016, for the first time since 1945, all restrictions on the acquisition of agricultural land and forests in Poland’s former German territories, by Germans, will be lifted. Thus, for surviving expellees, the right of return, in conjunction with the potential to purchase any formerly held real estate and landholdings, will become a de jure reality, marking the end of the region’s long postwar period. Arguably, therefore, one can now engage, at a retrospective, analytical level, with the relevant collective memory discourse without being drawn into it. In order to navigate this complex discourse, I have developed a number of analytical and conceptual tools, which I hope may prove useful beyond this project. In this sense, this thesis can be viewed as a proof of concept. Chief among these tools are a novel working definition of collective memory as a discrete phase in the historification and mythologizing of traumatic events, and a three-level model designed for the consistent analysis of narrative texts, artefacts and cultural productions. By tracing the relevant collective memory discourse through a number of 4 disparate fields, including political myth-making, historiography, toponymic practice, cartography and literature, I have been able to test these analytical and conceptual tools to breaking point, often benefiting from the resulting heuristic gain wherever lived complexity defies simplistic analytic idealisation. To ensure a focused exposition of the theoretical framework and the sources analysed, this thesis is primarily centred upon Lower Silesia and the following broad research questions: what geo-socio-political power dynamics resulted in Poland’s postwar frontier changes and the associated traumata, and how were they justified at the time? How have historians reacted over time to Poland’s postwar frontier changes, and the humanitarian consequences, as well as to contemporary framework narratives relating to these events? How has the toponymic re-inscription of Poland’s former German territories influenced the relevant collective memory discourse, and to what extent have cartographic representations of postwar Poland been influenced by changing geo-political configurations? How have the prevailing socio-political conditions in postwar Germany and Poland constrained literary contributions to the relevant collective memory discourse? And, finally, in what ways, has literature contributed in turn, to the relevant collective memory discourse and the establishment of hegemonic historical narratives? This thesis presents a number of specific findings, the most significant of which is that political contingencies can result in a surprising deflection of collective memory discourse into seemingly unrelated fields, and can trigger a ripple effect, which has the ability to globalise collective memory discourse under certain circumstances. Similarly, my analysis of shared topoi in the works of German and Polish historians and literary authors demonstrates that, far from generating its own framework of reference based on specific traumatic events, collective memory discourse is exquisitely sensitive to broader socio-political narratives. In addition, I contend that mainstream historical narratives tend to simplify, for example, through the imposition of a chronology on multidirectional memories, and by focusing on homogenizing accounts of the collective at the expense of 5 individual narratives. In contrast, literature and local cultural performances often resist such simplification, thus preserving complexity. Viewed in this light, the pursuit of Cultural and Literary Studies addresses a clear problem within, and usefully augments, traditional historical scholarship. By carefully analysing a subset of Polish and German literature, historiography and cultural artefacts produced in response to the traumatic events in question, my thesis seeks to trace the transition from highly localised stakeholder-led collective memory discourses to hegemonic historical narratives developed and maintained in the service of broader geo-political agendas

    Revitalising Collyweston limestone slate production by artificial freeze/thaw splitting

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    Extraction of limestone roofing slate from Collyweston was an industry which was considered extinct by the early 1990′s, with building repairs relying on wholesale recycling of roofing from demolished buildings. Traditionally stone extracted from the mines was exposed to natural cycles of freeze/thaw to facilitate splitting. Work was undertaken over several years to investigate the resources available and whether these could be artificially frozen to produce slates. The work identified a freeze/thaw regime which could be used to produce roofing slates for historic buildings and which were used in the Historic England restoration of Apethorpe Palace. Mining of the Collyweston limestone stone has now resumed and uses artificial freezing to achieve production of slates which is economically feasible due to the faster process time

    “Aplicación del estudio del trabajo en la fabricación de cocinas para mejorar la productividad en la Empresa Frionox SAC del distrito de Independencia, Lima Perú 2016”

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    En la investigación titulada: “Aplicación del estudio del trabajo en la fabricación de cocinas para mejorar la productividad en la empresa FRIONOX SAC del distrito de independencia, LIMA PERÚ 2016”, con el objetivo de determinar que al aplicar el estudio del trabajo mejoraría la productividad en el proceso de cocinas de acero inoxidable. La investigación es cuantitativa y de tipo aplicada, el diseño es cuasi experimental. La población está representada por el registro de producción donde se encuentra la programación de la cantidad de cocinas fabricadas en periodos semanales. Los datos de la investigación se obtienen por medio de la aplicación del estudio de métodos y la medición del trabajo que son las dimensiones de nuestra variable independiente. La contrastación de hipótesis se realizó mediante la prueba de normalidad con la prueba de Wilcoxon. Lo resultados obtenidos por la prueba de Wilcoxon demuestran que al aplicar el estudio del trabajo mejora la productividad en el proceso con un incremento de la media de 78.5% a una media de 94.25%, con la aplicación del estudio de métodos un incremento de la eficacia de 87.5% a 98.0% y con la medición del trabajo se incrementa la eficiencia de una media de 90.0% a una de 96.0%. Se concluye que la aplicación de la variable independiente: el estudio del trabajo, mejora a la variable dependiente: productividad en el proceso de cocina en la empresa FRIONOX SAC

    Influencia de un sistema de información móvil para el proceso logístico del área de almacén de la empresa Data Business Perú

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la Empresa Data Business Perú, desde Agosto 2016 hasta diciembre del 2016, donde la principal área involucrada fue almacén. Se tomaron 2 indicadores, el porcentaje de pedidos entregados completos y el costo por unidad almacenada, con el fin de determinar la influencia de la implementación del sistema de información móvil para el proceso logístico del área de almacén de la empresa Data Business Perú. Para el desarrollo de la aplicación de utilizó la metodología SCRM donde la población fue de 20 registros para cada indicador antes mencionado. Los resultados de las respectivas mediciones indican que se mejoró en un 88% el porcentaje de pedidos entregados completos y en un 13% el costo por unidad almacenada. Basándonos en los resultados llegamos a la conclusión que el sistema de información móvil influye en el proceso logístico del área de almacén en la empresa Data Business Per

    Capacidades y comportamientos de cuidado de la persona con diabetes Mellitus tipo II

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    28 páginasThere are difficulties in achieving the goals, including the abilities and behaviors of people, specifically with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in the control of non-communicable diseases where dependent variables of the diagnosed subjects stand out, such as adherence to treatment, self-care and the Care Agency, within a health system that does not know this starting point to establish effective strategies. Describe the capacity and behaviors of care of the person with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, as a source of information to establish effective interventions of nursing care. Bibliographic review of scientific articles related to abilities and behaviors, including adherence, self-care and care agency in people with Diabetes Mellitus type II, databases were used, Scopus, Elsevier, Pubmed, ClinicalKey, inclusion criteria were articles published between 2007 and 2018 in Spanish, English and Portuguese, excluding articles from other disciplines or from different diseases. It is evident that the greatest weakness in the abilities and behaviors of people are the difficulty in acquiring healthy habits, the abandonment of pharmacological treatment due to polypharmacy and insufficient information. The need to take into account the capacities and behaviors in people with diabetes mellitus type II that can influence the obtaining of positive results in national and global health is reaffirmed, it is necessary to work in the respective validation of instruments in Colombia, to allow obtain an actual measurement of the relevant aspectsSe evidencian dificultades en la consecución de las metas, entre ellas las capacidades y comportamientos de las personas, específicamente con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II en el control de enfermedades no transmisibles donde se destacan variables dependientes de los sujetos diagnosticados, como la adherencia al tratamiento, el autocuidado y la Agencia de cuidado, dentro de un sistema de salud que desconoce este punto de partida para establecer las estrategias efectivas. Describir la capacidad y los comportamientos de cuidado de la persona con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II, como fuente de información para establecer intervenciones efectivas del cuidado de enfermería. Revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos relacionados con las capacidades y comportamientos, donde se incluyen la adherencia, autocuidado y agencia de cuidado en personas con Diabetes Mellitus tipo II, se utilizaron bases de datos como, Scopus, Elsevier, Pubmed, ClinicalKey, los criterios de inclusión fueron artículos publicados entre los años 2007 a 2018 en idiomas español, inglés y portugués, excluyendo artículos de otras disciplinas o de enfermedades diferentes. Se evidencia que la mayor falencia dentro de las capacidades y comportamientos de las personas son la dificultad en la adquisición de hábitos saludables, el abandono del tratamiento farmacológico a causa de la polimedicación e insuficiente información. Se reafirma la necesidad de tener en cuenta las capacidades y los comportamientos en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo II que pueden influir en la obtención de resultados positivos en la salud nacional y mundial, se hace necesario trabajar en la respectiva validación de instrumentos en Colombia, permitan obtener una medición real de los aspectos relevantes.Incluye bibliografíaPregradoEnfermero(a

    Sistema de control difuso para unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI)

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    Investigación TecnológicaLa investigación presentada tomó el marco de la lógica difusa y se aplicó a la medicina, con el propósito de diseñar un sistema de control difuso que permita reducir los riesgos de muerte en pacientes ingresados a unidad de cuidados intensivos. Se tiene en cuenta que los pacientes que ingresan a una UCI son personas que han sufrido una grave lesión que requiere intervención quirúrgica y de medicamentos que ayuden a estabilizar las condiciones normales de un ser humano. Para que el campo de la lógica difusa entrara en este campo fue necesario estudiar con anestesiólogos, intensivista y enfermeras que medicamentos en conjunto pueden salvar la vida de una persona, además en el diccionario medico. VADEMECUM está especificado las dosis que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de suministrarlas a un paciente, allí se encontraron los siguientes medicamentos que están descritos en este documento y está desarrollado todo el proceso que se les hizo para que el sistema de lógica difusa pudiera ser eficaz en un caso como estos. En este documento se presenta la estructura que se le dio a cada medicamento una base de reglas donde se utiliza los signos vitales, el peso y la edad para tener una referencia para la dosis que se debe aplicar al paciente, basándonos en las descritas en el VADEMÉCUM.PregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    Finding Clinical Internships in Rural Settings: A Survey and Report

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    Summarizes survey of American Psychological Association accredited clinical internships to determine extent of involvement with rural clients and opportunities for rural clinical/community work. Tables include list and brief description of 19 clinical internship programs with rural placements and 28 names and addresses for clinical internships with rural components

    The Palace of Westminster Courtyards Project: Sourcing Stone for Repair and Conservation

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    The Palace of Westminster, commonly known as the Houses of Parliament, serves as the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords and is situated on the north bank of the River Thames in London, England. The site is part of the UNESCO Westminster World Heritage Site. The building was constructed of magnesian limestone, selected following a nationwide survey of building stones carried out by a Government Select Committee. However, some of this stone began to decay soon after construction in the mid 1800s. As the majority of the stonework has survived very well the aim of the work was to source a demonstrably durable material with characteristics which align with the majority of the existing stonework. Samples were taken from the building for petrographic analysis in order to identify compatible material in quarries, either working or which could be re-opened. Durability of the magnesian limestone was assessed using both accepted tests and novel methodology. Large scale walls were constructed in the laboratory and exposed to accelerated frost weathering with realistic temperature parameters. The logistical problems with sourcing the original building material, the nature of the transport and the masons' unfamiliarity with the stone may all have played a part in undermining its durability. When magnesian limestone is properly selected and used correctly, its reputation for being of poor durability is largely unfounded. Suitable sources for replacement stone were located which provided several options for both immediate and long-term sourcing for repair and conservation

    Análisis comparativo entre los obstáculos para la administración de la calidad total y el modelo ISO 9001:2008 en un caso práctico.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un análisis comparativo entre los obstáculos para la administración de la calidad total y el modelo ISO 9001:2008 en una organización de servicios hoteleros de la ciudad de Cali.PregradoADMINISTRADOR(A) DE EMPRESA